Donald Young


Community Outreach Engagement Specialist

Resources alignment

As information changes rapidly, our team of health professionals and community experts meet regularly to reassess our assets and change our infographics in alignment with research findings.

We leveraged the expertise and connections of our team members to identify several CBOs that have assets and positive additions to the work of Baltimore CONNECT. Through this process, additional CBOs such as Women, Wine, & Wisdom; S.O.N.S. of Phoenix; Young Successful Leaders; and Healing Through Beauty were added to Baltimore CONNECT, and all have grown in their capacity to serve targeted populations in Baltimore City and beyond.

Take actions to make changes

As a CHW, I was able to identify several CBOs that were assets and positive additions to our work. Women, Wine, & Wisdom, S.O.N.S. of Phoenix, Young Successful Leaders, and Healing Through Beauty all have grown in their capacity to serve targeted populations in Baltimore City and beyond.

I continued to meet with the community-based organizations (CBOs) on a regular basis and listened to their concerns. After that, I initiated discussions about the interventions that the team had come up with and requested feedback on how they felt the proposed solutions would address their problems. I also invited them to help design the intervention. We started building the intervention, which in our case was the use of Qualtrics to disseminate trusted COVID-19 information.